At Storehouse Church, we have many ministry opportunities that allow you to partner with us to impact lives.
At Storehouse, we understand that children are gifts from God and are indeed treasures in His Kingdom. This ministry is vital, because it plants seeds of God's love and His teachings into the hearts of children. Storehouse "Treasures" is composed of men and women who have a desire to train up children in the biblical principles, through the love and truth of God.
"Chosen Youth" exists to Develop young leaders that Declare a Godly lifestyle to make a Difference in our community and the world. On a typical youth night, teens can expect games, small group Bible studies, social connection time. Youth Camp, and Mission Trips.
"Vertical High School" exists to Develop young leaders that Declare a Godly lifestyle to make a Difference in our community and the world. Teens can expect , games, small group Bible studies, social connection time. Social outings round out the dynamic ministry.
The focus of the EPIC Leadership program is to provide intentional and interactive training that will equip and empower current and emerging leaders. EPIC will ignite an individual’s passion for leadership and for utilizing their leadership skills for greater causes. EPIC will illuminate an individual’s understanding of leadership in the local church setting, the workplace, the family, and the local & global communities. EPIC will challenge an individual to view their leadership as a resource to impact others.
Storehouse's Courageous Men's ministry calls on all men to break ground by forging alliances with one another, which will help us stand in the gap for each other, our families, and our communities abroad. This is obtained by making Christ the center of our lives, which will help us balance our spiritual development for ministry, recreation, and empowerment.
"Leaving the church to grow the Church."
Storehouse reaches beyond the local community to provide physical and spiritual support to areas across the globe. Global missions consists of international trips, church sponsorships, leadership training, and partnering with ministries and organizations to provide tangible needs to orphans and international churches. Through global missions, Storehouse impacted countries and regions including: Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Brazil, Venezuela, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Swaziland, Africa. Storehouse Global Missions also has supported domestic and global efforts by partnering with Compassion International, Voice of the Martyrs, World Vision, and various disaster relief organizations.
A foundation of our culture is families; and Storehouse is excited about building strong families and marriages. As an extension of the Storehouse Vision to impact lives, Marriage on the Rock is designed to equip couples for lasting and committed marriages. Through gatherings, retreats, and date nights, Marriage on the Rock enriches, strengthens, and celebrates the joys of marriage. So if you are married, engaged or in a committed relationship join us every quarter and learn how to build your Marriage on the Rock of Christ.
The prayer and altar ministry is composed of a group of individuals who are pillars of prayer; their focus is to intercede and stand in the gap for the church and for the community. They serve as watchmen, not only on our ignite services but constantly. Whenever there is a prayer need; this ministry team are your first responders. Our goal is to live out 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and be in “constant“ and “continual prayer” and communication with God.
3D Sports is a community-based program that provides affordable sports leagues for ages pre-K to High School. The staff of volunteers encourage kids through competition to learn discipline, dedication, and discipleship.
Depending on the season, various leagues may be available: Basketball, Soccer, Floor Hockey, Flag Football, Volleyball.
Virtuous Women is a powerful ministry composed of women who are looking for an in-depth relationship with God. Our goal is to be like that proverbs thirty one woman “clothed with strength and dignity; speaking with wisdom and faithful instruction on our tongue.” Touching upon every issue that affects women today, it’s a great resource forhealing, fellowship and spiritual for growth.
The Outreach Department focuses on sharing the tangible love of Jesus to the "least of these" in the Chicago area. Join us to impact the lives of the homeless community, CPS students in struggling neighborhoods, recovering addicts, and others throughout the city.